Contact UsAre you applying for credit, leasing or renting, financing a purchase, or applying for government services? If yes, we’ve made it a lot easier for you to get proof of income or employment when you need it without calling HR. We have partnered with The Work Number® service, which is a simple, secure and private way to get your employment and/or income information to the companies that need it. It's available 24/7, so that you can get the decisions you need when you need them. From now on if the banker, property manager, the car dealer or caseworker asks you how much money you make or to prove where you work, just send them to: Employer code: 3200496, 800-367-5690 M-F 8:00 am to 8:00 pm (ET) Call Toll Free and leave a message (866) 277-6164 |